Monday, June 1, 2009

Just one of those days

Today is one of those days when I wanna write, but words seem to escape my fingertips. There is so much I want to express but so few words that I really wanna type. It's one of those days where a look could communicate a thousand words. School is ending and the kids are losing it. There is something about hot weather that negatively effects the judgement of little minds. We've got household behavior fires poppin' up left and right. One little one decides that the TV is thirsty, another little one thinks that she should discipline him for feeding the TV. An older little one thinks that he is sneaky enough to have a myspace page even after my husband and I gave specific instructions against it. Needless to say, he got caught and his sister is just giddy with excitement as he gets in trouble. I guess its just one of those days! But I'm equipped to handle them. Well, I'm off to handle the Artis Fires!


  1. Oh WOW! Sounds like your hands are full. :)
    My sister has 5 and she called today going crazy already.

    I hope tomorrow is easier!

  2. Oh man, I know what you mean! My kids have two more weeks of school and they are acting like Gremlins!!! I have got to stop feeding them after midnight:)

  3. ROFL @ your thirsty TV. That is so funny!!! I hope that's not contagious because if my child does that, I'm having a temper tantrum! Good luck hanging in there, it sounds like you have your hands FULL!

  4. Yes you do. Would you like one more.

  5. Oh, the hot summer fires! We passed the fire season here and now we're on the lazy dog days of summer...

  6. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one!


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